
Showing posts from January, 2021

With BLM Now Supporting the Police, We Should All Question Our Blind Support of the Blue

  There has been an interesting shift in who is now supporting our "heroes" in blue. The Stop the Steal protesters in Washington D.C. came under assault by police last night at the pre-rally events and just like that, ANTIFA, BLM, and other Marxist groups are now coming out of the woodwork to support the police.  It absolutely boggles my mind this shift, but the winds are definitely changing. No longer are they talking about "systemic racism" or whatever idiotic buzz phrases they've been coming up with. It was never about actual justice. It was never about reforming the system based on actual equality, but I think we all knew that. Now it is simply on full display. The hypocrisy of the left is coming to a head, and it is happening in front of our eyes.  We now must ask ourselves where we stand. Do we stand with the constitution and our republic, or do we stand with a corrupt government intent on suppressing the will of the very people it was meant to repre

The Only Path Forward Requires Looking Back First

     For most, if not all, of my readers the document below will be immediately recognizable.  This document has been echoing in my head for no small amount of time now. No longer will I be silent in my beliefs.  I say these things and I plan to rise up for what is right not with hate in my heart, but love. Love for my country. Love for my family. Love for my children. Love for my fellow Americans. My conscience and my character will, quite simply, not allow me to sit idly by as I watch our republic destroyed from the inside out by people with hate and contempt in their hearts. Make no mistake: this will not be pretty nor pleasant, but it is what must be done. They have taken our voice from us by rigging our elections and standing on our necks using the red herring known as COVID. No more will be tolerated.  Our voices are repeatedly being silenced by a government that has increasingly shown its malcontent towards the people that they are supposed to be representing. With every passi