2020 Forced Us All to Take a Hard Look at the Values We Are Willing to Defend

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year that most, if not all, of us are ready to put in the rearview never to be seen again. From the mass shuttering of small businesses over a questionable pandemic, to massive and violent protests from left-wing groups such as Black Lies (not a typo) Matter and ANTIFA, to the unethical election where voting fraud ran rampant. It almost seems like there was not a single good thing to look back on over the course of this year.

To some, that may be the case, but over this last year I have also witnessed something amazing: Average American citizens who have been, up until this point, content to sit back and watch this chaos envelope our country in the hopes of our elected officials and government institutions (such as police departments) are now standing up and making their voices heard. 2020, in my eyes, will be the year that the 'Silent Majority' are silent no more.

Across the nation, in defiance (or perhaps even in spite of) national lockdowns and social distancing mandates, people are coming together and fighting for something that is truly worth it. The American Dream has been under assault for some time now, but 2020 has put that campaign into overdrive it seems. Even in overwhelmingly left leaning territories, such as California and New York, this silent majority has been pushed to the breaking point. Americans are now looking at alternative options as to how they can make their voices heard, and the answer is increasingly becoming to take to the streets.

While Americans watch our daily news networks cover protests and lockdowns in solidarity with each other, we are witnessing no small number of people shun the narrative as it has been delivered. It was only a matter of time for this to happen as we watched leftist groups riot, loot, and burn our cities to the ground in the name of making our country a more socialist land. For years they have continued to do so, because in the face of next to no opposition why wouldn't they? 

2020 has not just been a year for the rise of leftist organizations, however. Several conservative groups have also been taking to the streets for a multitude of reasons. Conservative groups like the Proud Boys have taken to the streets to defend rallies and protests like the 'Stop the Steal' protests organized by Roger Stone across the country, putting themselves between honest and peacefull Americans just wanting their voices to be heard and violent left-wing agitators such as ANTIFA on a near daily basis. Americans have started to wake up to what is truly at stake in the coming months and years.

What's also interesting, possibly only to myself because of my own personal experience with it, is the press's war on free speech. It almost seems as we are living in an alternate reality, because what else could possibly be the answer when you witness the news media overwhelmingly carry out a censorship campaign? Conservative journalists across the country are increasingly finding themselves silenced, blacklisted, and cast to the side in favor of left-wing activist journalists who have no qualms twisting the narrative and silencing other voices in favor of propagating the left's agendas, regardless of the truth behind the matters. The press has always been the frontline for warriors of the First Amendment and free speech, but it seems like that time has come to the end (save for a few smaller groups, and of course, yours truly).

The past, however, is the past, and all we have left is to ask ourselves, "Where do we go from here?" The answer, obviously, is to push boldly and bravely into the New Year. Continue fighting for truth. Carry on the battle for justice and liberty.  We don't know what 2021 will bring, but we do know that the future is in our hands. So with my closing statement I only ask one thing: Are we ready to go quietly into the night and accept the death of the American Dream, or are we willing to stand up and face this threat to our country with the only way to handle a bully? 

Get Fired, Get in Trouble, Be Brave, And Never Stop Fighting

Jordan Savage


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