If You Like Your Pandemic, You Can Keep Your Pandemic: And Wear Your Mask


    The further we creep towards a Biden administration, the more it seems like we are repeating recent history. The similarities between how the media supported the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the panic being pushed to help keep our nation in yet more lockdowns over COVID-19 are increasing daily.

Just believe the science. That's something that we have been inundated with from nearly every news organization on the planet. The problem with that, however, is that there isn't a whole lot of science behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, I'm not here to tell you that COVID is fake, or made up. However, I do have some serious concerns with the "science" behind it. Specifically in regards to the contact tracing and statistical record keeping policies.

Jump back to just three years ago before any thought of COVID was even dreamed of. How many gunshot wound victims who succumbed to their injuries were listed as having died from the flu? Now, how many are being listed as having passed primarily from COVID? The answer? Too many to be an objective scientific look at the "problem."

Yet, every day we are urged to trust the science. It almost is reminiscent of a recent campaign that was pushed to fundamentally
change the American healthcare system into the socialistic nightmare that it is today. It's almost as if there are ulterior motives behind this so-called pandemic. Too often we are told one thing, yet when the time comes the exact opposite is happening.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor: That was a lie. Millions, myself in
cluded, who were happily and fully covered with private insurance had their providers removed from their list of options available for preventative and active treatment healthcare, only to be replaced with a bare bones plan at a premium price.

Anybody who opposes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is just trying to push grandma off of a cliff: Once again, that was a lie. With the passage of the ACA came "death panels" on domestic soil that decided if grandma had enough profitability in her to provide her with the healthcare that she had paid forward her entire life in hopes it would be there as age creeped in and intensive healthcare became a necessity.

Just trust the science, masks save lives: Well, this one is still contested, but I have a funny feeling history is, once again, going to repeat itself. We continue to see states like California, New York, and others were mandatory mask mandates, limited (if any at all) operating capacities, curfews (because, you know, COVID is scared of the dark), enforcement of limiting visitors in your own household, and more that are doing everything right (well, according to figures like Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom) and yet are still seeing increasing death tolls from the virus.

While masks can be a powerful preventative tool to help stop the spread of bacterial, and in some cases viral, infections, they have never before been used to the extent that they are being used now. Couple that with the fact that millions of Americans are now donning homemade or other non-medical grade masks combined with prolonged usage among perfectly healthy individuals we are beginning to see dire consequences to this seemingly knee-jerk reaction to, in my eyes, a very mild strain of the common flu virus.

Looking at the data available that isn't smeared with the taint of a biased publication, you will notice a trend in the legitimate, or at least more so than the aforementioned gunshot victims, cases that in almost all COVID fatalities is the underlying condition of varying stages of pneumonia. Does COVID cause pneumonia? Are they contracting it while in healthcare facilities while undergoing treatment for COVID? Or is there another culprit behind this silent killer? 

I'm sure it couldn't possibly be from something as simple as a snuggly fitting, non-breathable, non-medical grade mask that millions of Americans are being coerced to wearing for extended periods of time. It couldn't be feasible that the restriction of fresh air and the continued concentration of normally harmless (and in most cases, helpful. See: http://www.textbookofbacteriology.net/normalflora_3.html#:~:text=Normal%20Flora%20of%20the%20Oral,number%20of%20anaerobes%2C%20especially%20bacteroides.) bacterial flora could be causing this. Or could it? Well, I'm not a licensed healthcare practitioner, so I'll leave that up to you and your medical provider to decide.

Semantics and exact science aside, what I can say for certainty is that there is one undeniable threat in the pandemic: the continued politicization of healthcare for seemingly ulterior motives. We've seen this before with how the Obama/Biden administration. We were made several promises from the White House that, by and large, turned out to be entirely false. The party of tolerance and intelligence (allegedly) turned out to be anything but, and we were all left holding the bill for those lies. In some cases it was a butchers bill.

The real question that we are left with is what could possibly be the reason for this message? Why do we need to believe and "trust" the science, when science normally speaks for itself and needs no defense in the way of manipulated statistics and an overwhelming uniform coverage from the increasingly left leaning press? Whatever it is, I certainly don't trust it myself.  I choose the route of non-compliance based on an informed study of the pandemic itself, and I only urge that you take a deeper look into the actual science behind COVID. My reasoning being that these mask mandates that we are seeing more and more are the real danger, so I choose to go without, and have been perfectly healthy and happy with to this point. I have been in close contact with individuals who have contracted this seemingly killer virus (with a 99.97% survivability rating) and have somehow managed not to become just another statistic with thanks to nothing other than a balanced diet and normal treatment of any other flu virus.

So, before we go and push our country off a cliff, like the left was accusing us of trying to do while opposing the ACA, I think it's time to finally have an honest conversation about COVID and how we should actually be handling it, if any at all. In parting I will also say that neither myself, nor my family will be taking the rushed and mostly untested vaccine. I've seen enough of
the side effects already to know that doing anything else is merely asking for trouble where none is to be found otherwise.

For Liberty,

Jordan Savage 


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