
With BLM Now Supporting the Police, We Should All Question Our Blind Support of the Blue

  There has been an interesting shift in who is now supporting our "heroes" in blue. The Stop the Steal protesters in Washington D.C. came under assault by police last night at the pre-rally events and just like that, ANTIFA, BLM, and other Marxist groups are now coming out of the woodwork to support the police.  It absolutely boggles my mind this shift, but the winds are definitely changing. No longer are they talking about "systemic racism" or whatever idiotic buzz phrases they've been coming up with. It was never about actual justice. It was never about reforming the system based on actual equality, but I think we all knew that. Now it is simply on full display. The hypocrisy of the left is coming to a head, and it is happening in front of our eyes.  We now must ask ourselves where we stand. Do we stand with the constitution and our republic, or do we stand with a corrupt government intent on suppressing the will of the very people it was meant to repre

The Only Path Forward Requires Looking Back First

     For most, if not all, of my readers the document below will be immediately recognizable.  This document has been echoing in my head for no small amount of time now. No longer will I be silent in my beliefs.  I say these things and I plan to rise up for what is right not with hate in my heart, but love. Love for my country. Love for my family. Love for my children. Love for my fellow Americans. My conscience and my character will, quite simply, not allow me to sit idly by as I watch our republic destroyed from the inside out by people with hate and contempt in their hearts. Make no mistake: this will not be pretty nor pleasant, but it is what must be done. They have taken our voice from us by rigging our elections and standing on our necks using the red herring known as COVID. No more will be tolerated.  Our voices are repeatedly being silenced by a government that has increasingly shown its malcontent towards the people that they are supposed to be representing. With every passi

2020 Forced Us All to Take a Hard Look at the Values We Are Willing to Defend

It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year that most, if not all, of us are ready to put in the rearview never to be seen again. From the mass shuttering of small businesses over a questionable pandemic, to massive and violent protests from left-wing groups such as Black Lies (not a typo) Matter and ANTIFA, to the unethical election where voting fraud ran rampant. It almost seems like there was not a single good thing to look back on over the course of this year. To some, that may be the case, but over this last year I have also witnessed something amazing: Average American citizens who have been, up until this point, content to sit back and watch this chaos envelope our country in the hopes of our elected officials and government institutions (such as police departments) are now standing up and making their voices heard. 2020, in my eyes, will be the year that the 'Silent Majority' are silent no more. Across the nation, in defiance (or perhaps even in spite of) nat

Patient identified with new "Super COVID-19" strain in Colorado

    The Faded Glory Project —  The mystery COVID strain that is, somehow, even more contagious than the original has just been reported near Denver, Colorado. Despite no travel history and staying in relative isolation, somehow, COVID-19B has infected him. The case has been confirmed by the Colorado State Laboratory, which then notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now, color me slightly skeptical, but it seems awfully strange that this virus magically appeared thousands of miles away, seemingly overnight to the center of the country. A press conference has been scheduled for Wednesday by state health officials in Colorado. Much more details regarding this will be next to non-existent until the updated briefing. As of writing this article, the patient has yet to be identified other than being a male in his 20's. Be sure to follow to stay up to date on this as more details unfold.      AP story linked below:

If You Like Your Pandemic, You Can Keep Your Pandemic: And Wear Your Mask

            The further we creep towards a Biden administration, the more it seems like we are repeating recent history. The similarities between how the media supported the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the panic being pushed to help keep our nation in yet more lockdowns over COVID-19 are increasing daily. Just believe the science. That's something that we have been inundated with from nearly every news organization on the planet. The problem with that, however, is that there isn't a whole lot of science behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, I'm not here to tell you that COVID is fake, or made up. However, I do have some serious concerns with the "science" behind it. Specifically in regards to the contact tracing and statistical record keeping policies. Jump back to just three years ago before any thought of COVID was even dreamed of. How many gunshot wound victims who succumbed to their injuries were listed as having died from the flu? Now, how

Unexpected Consequences of the Politicization of Healthcare

    As if millions of Americans losing their jobs in the midst of this pandemic is not enough, the effects of the insanity of the left is now creeping into the lives of our friends with a bit more hair than most. The Denver Zoo is now struggling to feed its more than 3,000 animals, stretching over 450 different species due to the mandatory shuttering for nearly three months.      While they are now open again, they are forced to operate at a reduced capacity and are now struggling to meet the demands of acquiring food for all of them. With an estimated annual budget of nearly $1 million they are now asking supporters for donations to help cover the costs.     As an avid outdoorsman and hunter myself, this simply breaks my heart. Not only does this affect our four legged (give or take, depending on the exhibit) friends, but it is also having the same effect on our own lives.      Millions struggle to put food on their tables due to businesses shuttering their doors (in some cases, never

An Introduction to The Faded Glory Project

     Creation through destruction has long been one of the fundamental laws of the world that we live in. With the destruction of my career as a mainstream (well, mostly mainstream) journalist amidst the turmoil of the insanity that is the COVID-19 pandemic is what brings me to the point of striking out on my own as an independent writer, photographer, and journalist.     With that being said, the destruction of my professional career did not happen suddenly. It took years of censorship, personal attacks, and the smearing of my character. The point of this project is not to defend my character. I will leave the content of my works to speak for itself in regards to my character.      Personal Background     I started my journey in life in the Nebraska Children's Home as an unwanted child. I was blessed enough to have a loving family come to my rescue as a young age and spent the majority of my youth growing up on a small, family run farm in western Nebraska.       For 20-some years